30th Anniversary Charlie, Fred, and Ken's Bock - Sierra Nevada Brewing Co.

30th Anniversary Charlie, Fred, and Ken's Bock

Write a Beer Review

Overall: 8.22/10 by 1 dude

Trend: 8.22/10 over past 5 reviews

Style: Maibok/Heller Bock

ABV: 8.30%

Season: One Time

Have Another: 100%

1,470 beers rated with a 7.84 average
  • 8.22/10 have another
  • A: 7.0 | T: 9.0 | L: 9.0 | M: 8.0 | O: 8.0
  • Color: Gold
  • Pours clear as a bock should. Foam overtakes the glass, consuming it with off-white, thick, tightly pack foam. Retention is really good while lacing becomes frothy but doesn't stick.

    Aroma is faint, yet crisp. Lemon grass and maybe some sweet caramel and bread scents. Not much at all though. Maybe a trace of spice hops.

    Taste is sweet up front with a transition to bread malts that then finishes with a quite nice hop presence.

    Medium body at best with a light carbonation. Some alcohol presence but not a problem.

    This is a really easy drinking a refreshing beer. I had this after a 750ml DIPA that pounded my palate so I am not getting the high alcohol that some have. I find it refreshing and drinkable. I could go for this again. Enjoy!
  • 758 characters
  • Reviewed: Saturday, July 24, 2010 at 17:30:33
  • Tasted: Saturday, July 24, 2010
  • $12.50 for 750 ml bottle
  • (3.793)
    over 1,478 ratings
Cost Breakdown
  • $12.50, 1 serving(s), 750 ml bottles
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