A: Solid gold, real clear. Average off-white foam of low retention.
S: Fruity and floral. A touch of bready sweetness . Some citrus lemony, orange notes in the background.
T: Nice big IPa all hops and malts. The hop bitterness while not overwhelming, is a tad high and kind of biting.
D: Pleasant fresh hopped APA. Nothing wrong, just the overal flavor note blend wasn't perefect nor unique. I didn't love the hop profiles selected for the brew.
Poured clear with about a quarter inch of white, thin head. Retention was minor with a bit of non-sticky lacing.
Aroma is sweet, bread malt with citrus and spicey hops. Very fresh hop scents.
Taste is sweet and bready malt. Citrus hops is the predominant hop that comes in the middle, through the finish, and lingers. Nice. A touch of alcohol.
Light end of medium body. Medium carbonation giving it a nice crispness.
There is a aroma/flavor combination that I really couldn't describe nor do I know if it is my favorite. In spite of this note a solid beer that I would have again next fall. Enjoy!
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." - Abraham Lincoln