Pours a pink amber color with a half inch head that has a pink hue to it. Very little retention on the head, quickly dissipates leaving a think layer of foam floating on top. Watery lacing.
Aroma is mild. I am getting just a hint of cherry and malt.
Taste is a nice sweet cherry with a tartness that stays on the palate.
Relatively simple and straight forward.......Cherry.
Light body with Medium carbonation. A watery mouthfeel.
Overall an enjoyable beer. I don't think I would want to drink this all the time, but it's a fun tasty beer that is different than the norm. Might make a good Christmas night beer? Try one!
Beer poured with a one finger width of light-pink, fluffy head. It disappeared within a couple of minutes but had some lacing throughout.
The aroma is that of cherries. Not an overwhelming scent but more of a refreshing cherry scent. Also the scent of some bready malt.
The flavor is of tart cherries. I was a little surprised by the tartness and it lasted throughout the drink, including and after taste of cherry tart. I couldn't distinguish anything on the taste buds.
The beer has an medium mouthfeel and some sweetness to it because of the cherries. Too sweet for me to session but enjoyable on a warm summer evening after a hard day at work. This is one that I am sure that the ladies would like as I gave my wife a sip and she obliged to take three or four more. Enjoy!