A: Black shade of brown. Tan medium thick foam of moderate retention.
S: Dark roasted malt without smokiness. Then some light notes of dark fruit, molasses, and chocolate.
T: A full sweet bread taste upfront. It's creamy and fully carbonated so the prescence is big. A few notes of raisins and prunes. Then faint alcohol taste in the background.
D: I keep forgetting this brew is in the lager family. It's doubley big and deep for a bock. It's like biting into a loaf of Hawaiian bread and then doing a shot of vodka. None of the FFFs signature big hop. OK, but I always expected big leaguer performance from the FFFs boys.
Pours opaque with a frothy, half-inch of foam. Retention is fleeting with thin lacing that recedes back.
Aroma is roasted malt, dark fruits, and some molasses for sweetness.
Taste is very sweet with dark roasted malts seemingly trying to add a bit of backend bitterness to balance.
Full body with some creaminess with a medium or better carbonation on top of it. Dries the palate quickly, especially after a few sips.
Not the hop bomb that I was expecting from a Three Floyds twist on a style. Instead the beer is big for the style and encroaches on being a lager style stout. Interesting and fun but not a beer that I would want all that often as the sweetness over powers this beer. Enjoy!
700 characters
Reviewed: Thursday, December 30, 2010 at 21:17:32
Tasted: Thursday, December 30, 2010
$10.99 for 22 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 143 ratings
Beer Notes
Brewed with the band PELICAN in honor of the band's 10th anniversary.