S: Butterscotch sweet malt. Possibly a little pine and citrus in the background.
T: Toffee, only slightly sweet, and quickly dry. A little grapefruit starts to peek through in subseqant tastings. And I guess the primary fruit flavors as apricot The hops bite is well balanced out by the malt. OK carbonation and acceptable mouthfeel.
D: Not a West Coast IPA but diversity is what makes this country fun. This bottle was obtained on trade so the age might be a factor. But it was solid, although a tad skewed to the butterscotchy malty side. Your basic American IPA, with honest ingredients, from a mid-level brewery. I'd have another.
Pours a nice copper color. Very little lacing.
Aroma has a pleasant malts and smells sweet.
This beer has a creamy feel in the mouth to it. Medium carbonation. Lots of malty flavors with a bit of a sweetness, finishes up with a bit of bitterness. Has a warmth to it as you drink it.
Pleasant beer. Easy drinker, would have it again.
Pours clear with a half-inch of white, thick foam. Retention is okay at best but the foam lathers up a bit. Lacing is spotty.
Aroma has lost all of its hop characters so now this is a malt bomb: caramel, butterscotch, and toffee.
Taste starts off with malt and transitions over to a combination in the middle, while the end is more hop forward. Citrus hops actually comes through with a bunch of bitterness in the finish. Lingers too.
Medium body and the same level of carbonation.
In spite of being old and losing any hops in the aroma, it hasn't become resiny, while the malt can carry this beer a long way. A fresh ones of these would be fun but a one-timer doesn't seem like that will ever occur. Enjoy!