Pours a dark ruby black with a huge two inch tan head. Retention is high, leaving a nice thick foamy lacing.
Aroma is awesome. I am getting chocolate, dark fruits, and dark roasted malt.
Taste is amazing! I get a nice roasted malt that works into dry bitter chocolate. I am getting a hint of molasses on the backend. A very warming beer. Reminds me of the warm burn after a shot of whisky, maybe not that strong, but similar.
Mouth feel is smooth and creamy with a dryness on the palate. Big body with medium carbonation.
Overall I really enjoyed this beer. The aroma and taste are right up my alley. I love the warmth I am getting off the beer. Would make a great beer on a cold winterâ??s night.
Pours opaque with a three-quarter glass of thick, brown foam. Retention is way above average, becoming even thicker and frothier as it dissipates. Lacing
Aroma is foremost chocolate for me. Roasted malt, molasses, and some dark fruits follow in shortly after. The chocolate seems more cocoa like.
Taste is sweet up front with a huge blast of roasted malt in the middle that transitions quickly to burnt, bitter chocolate and coffee notes in the end. The chocolate flavors hang around a bit. Licorice can be found in there also.
Big body here but not huge with about average carbonation, that could be toned down for my tastes. Creamy up front, especially. Dries the palate a touch.
I have heard great things about this beer. Although I wouldn't say it is great it is darn good. The burnt, bitter ending to the beer becomes an annoyance for me after a while as it is a bit too unbalanced. Otherwise this is spot on. I have another bottle awaiting my taste buds. Enjoy!
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Reviewed: Monday, March 28, 2011 at 20:55:04
Tasted: Monday, March 28, 2011
$0.00 for 12 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 270,493 ratings
Beer Notes
Produced in the tradition of 18th Century English brewers who supplied the court of Russia's Catherine the Great, Old Rasputin seems to develop a cult following wherever it goes. It's a rich, intense brew with big complex flavors and a warming finish.
"I'm going to buy a boat... do a little travelling, and I'm going to be drinking beer!" - John Welsh, Brooklyn bus driver who won $30 million in the New York lottery