Pours a dark ruby brown color with a thin off white head. Very little retention of the head as it dissipated quickly leaving just a swirl of foam floating on top. Some spotty lacing.
The aroma has a sweetness to it that is very pleasing. It just has a "good beer" smell. I am getting sweet malts with a milk chocolate and a hint of bourbon.
The taste is very similar to the aroma with a sweet malt flavor blending into a creamy milk chocolate and finishing with a slight hop bitterness. A little bit of bourbon flavor finds itâ??s was into the mix of flavors as well. A very well balanced, clean tasting beer.
Medium body with light to medium carbonation. A creamy smooth mouth feel.
Overall this is a very nice beer that I would highly recommend. Very easy to drink with buttery smooth aromas and flavors. This beer just kind of melts in your mouth. A must try beer for your list!
Poured into my pint glass clear with a tall, off-white, thick foam. I had to wait for a second pouring to finish the bottle. Good retention with some lacing throughout.
Aroma has some sweet malt with chocolate, vanilla, and, of course, some bourbon scents. A very enjoyable scent that makes one want to enjoy it many times.
Oh, the flavor. Starts with the malt while the middle is full of chocolate creaminess with a finish of slight bourbon flavor and temporary bitterness from hops. Damn yummy!
Medium to light carbonation with a full body. This is a complex beer that is very fulfilling at every stage: beginning, middle, and end. Crisp and refreshing. Easy to enjoy over and over again.
This is only my second Tyranena beer. If the rest hold up as good as the first two I will be a frequent flier on the expressway to Lake Mills, WI. Enjoy!