Pours a clear black color with a hint of ruby red around the edges of the glass. The pour reveals a quarter inch khaki colored head that quickly dissipates, leaving a thin layer of foam resting on top. Sticky web like lacing.
The aroma is dark roasted malts, chocolate, and coffee.
The taste is slightly sweet with dark roasted malts and a big earth hop presence that appears at the middle and works into a chocolate and coffee finish. The aftertaste is mostly coffee and chocolate with a slight bitterness.
Medium body with light to medium carbonation. A smooth creamy mouthfeel.
Overall, a very nice dark lager. Great bold flavors that are well balanced and very drinkable. The earthy hop flavors fit perfectly with the dark roasted malts, chocolates, and coffee flavors. Add this one to you list! Itâ??s a good one!