Pours a clear golden amber color with a half inch fluffy cloud like white head. Great retention on the head. Tons of thick sticky lacing sheet down the sides of the glass.
The aroma is nice with a sweetness noticeable right away. A grapefruit citrus hoppy aroma blended with a sweet malt that is somewhat grainy.
The taste follows the nose with a grapefruit citrus and some pine hops along side a healthy dose of sweet caramel malts. A fairly bold bitterness is present on the finish along side a light sweetness lingering on the palate. Some warmth from the higher abv is noticeable.
Medium body with a light to medium carbonation. Creamy smooth mouth feel with a dryness on the palate.
Overall, a nice IPA. Great balance between bitter and sweet with some nice hopped up flavors. A solid IPA that I would have again and is worth a try if you enjoy this style. Try one!