Bottom of the can: Johnny Karate, 06/13/18 09:24:19.
Vigorous pour yields over an inch of off-white foam: thick, frothy and unrelenting. Great retention. Thick, sticky lacing but sporadic.
Aroma is quite resinous. Pine, citrus and dank, ripe tropical and citrus fruits. Sweet.
Taste is similar to the nose. Mango, papaya, pine and dank. The sweet malt backbone holds up the hops. Nary any bitterness.
Dry yet sticky. Medium carbonation and body.
Another solid offering. It has been a pleasure having four Tree House beers in a matter of a couple of days. Unfortunately, no matter how good, they are very similar in final product. Enjoy!
651 characters
Reviewed: Friday, July 06, 2018 at 21:49:09
Tasted: Friday, July 06, 2018
$0.00 for 16 oz. can
Modal title
One fine body…
over 77,656 ratings
Beer Notes
Alter Ego is a member of the Julius family, taking the base of Julius and adding a tremendous amount of Mosaic to the dry hop with a kiss of Amarillo. What results is a beer with all the deliciousness of Julius with a pungent additional layer of citrusy complexity. Over time, Alter Ego has become a truly singular member of the Tree House family.