From a can purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe. Date on can: none.
Pours cloudy. Several inches of pure white foam covers: tightly packed, frothing as it recedes. Great retention. Wispy, sticky, spiderweb lacing.
Aroma is more on the grassy end. Hints of funky lemon. Candy grassy sweetness.
Taste is more fun. Pineapple, pine, orange/tangerine. Finishes with some pine bitterness that lingers as well as builds, with hings of grapefruit. Grassy. Depending on the sip the profile may very drastically with one of the aforementioned flavors taking center stage. Intriguing.
Medium body; no sense of creaminess here. Medium carbonation. Dry, very much so. Linger bitterness, more reminiscent of an old school IPA but not quite that pronounced.
This is an interesting beer as the aroma is far inferior to the taste. I would have this beer again but I don't know if the hop profile hits it out of the park for me. Enjoy!