From a can purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe. Date of 07/14/20.
Pours clear, yes clear. Huge white foam covers. Good retention. Some effervescence. Spotty lacing.
Aroma of orange and white grape. Big herbal.
Taste is a fight between white grape and orange. Light sweetness. Hints of mango late. Herbal in the finish along with a building bitterness and carbonation burn on the tongue. The white grape really stays on the palate.
Medium body with ample carbonation. Dries quickly.
Definitely a throw back to west coast style IPAs with a different hop profile than I am used to. The herbal on the nose and the rigid, lingering bitterness are parts of the profile I could do without. The hop aroma/flavor clashes rather than in harmony. On the fence if I would have it again. Enjoy!