From a can with date of 07/13/20. Purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe.
Pours cloudy with a half inch of white foam great retention from the foam. Thick lacing near the liquid level.
Aroma is interesting: lemon, dank, mango, and papaya. No sweetness.
TasteIs more subdued than the nose but similar. Sweetness mixes with mango and papaya while the dank obfuscates. Late bitterness that could come from hop burn.
Medium body that sits on the lips during a sip as creamy. Medium carbonation. Not juicy. Dry.
The last few HB beers I have had have each had a distinct hop burn, detracting from my perceived experience. In spite, this beer perseveres. Good aroma with the tropical fruit going blow for blow with the dank. Enjoy!