Purchased at Flight Bottle Shoppe on 09/03/20. Date on can: 09/01/20.
Pours clear with three-quarters of an inch of pure white foam. Average retention with sticky lacing.
Aroma is tropical fruit, sweat, and pine. The can says guava but I don't know what that aroma would be even if it hit me in the face and I have guava in the basement for home brewing (it is very intense and "off" aroma).
Taste is sweet tropical fruit throughout with pine coming in the finish, lingering. The pine creates a bitterness that lingers. There is a sweetness to that finish too.
Light body with a medium or better carbonation. Juicy but dry.
This is a throwback beer that isn't cloudy and actually has some bitterness. Good combination for the aroma and flavor. Easy to drink and crisp but with a building bitterness. I would have this again. Enjoy!
"I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer." - Abraham Lincoln