Pours bright and clear with minimal white foam that is fleeting. Lacing is blotchy with most all falling back to level.
Aroma is a little subdued, especially based on expectations. Light floral, spice, and citrus hops lead the way, in spite. Light grains with almost no sweetness.
Taste has underlying malt that is clean with a touch of grain. Once again, no sweetness which allows the hops to run free. Floral, spice, grapefruit, and herbal, almost earthy flavors create a unique, yet complex hop profile. Bitterness is mild, yet lingers.
Medium body with similar carbonation. Dries the palate, especially after the first few ounce go down.
I expected more Citra and Cascade based on the profile but pleasantly surprised that each hop is given the ability to add to the overall impression with none dominating. Definitely easy to drink and something to look for. Enjoy!
883 characters
Reviewed: Saturday, September 08, 2012 at 17:40:45
Tasted: Saturday, September 08, 2012
$2.10 for 12 oz. bottle
Modal title
One fine body…
over 181,983 ratings
Beer Notes
In our constant evolution as a brewery, we’ve developed an undying drive to meld the organic and the mechanical. Perpetual IPA utilizes our hopback and dry-hopping to engineer a bold Imperial Pale Ale. It features Bravo, Chinook and Mt. Hood hops in the boil, Mt. Hood and Nugget hops in the hopback, and is further dry-hopped with Citra and Cascade hops.