Bell's Brewery, Inc. Bell's Brewery, Inc. web site brewery hop to Bell's Brewery, Inc. map for Bell's Brewery, Inc. BellsBrewery

Bell's Brewery, Inc.
8938 Krum Avenue
Comstock, MI 49053
(269) 382-2332

Category: Brewery

Beer Review Stats:
  • - 28 different beers
  • - drank 48 times
  • - 8.06 average rating
  • - $2.53 overall average cost per serving
  • - $0.21 price per ounce

Establishment Reviews | Beer Reviews

Still Brewing 26
  Beer Style
25th Anniversary Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. 25th Anniversary Ale American Strong Ale
Bell's Lager Beer - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Bell's Lager Beer American Lager
Bell's Octoberfest - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Bell's Octoberfest Oktoberfest
Bell's Porter - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Bell's Porter American Porter
Best Brown Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Best Brown Ale English Brown Ale
Black Note Stout - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Black Note Stout American Amber/Red Ale
Cherry Stout - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Cherry Stout Fruit Beer
Christmas Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Christmas Ale Scottish Lite Ale
Consecrator Doppelbock Beer - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Consecrator Doppelbock Beer American Amber/Red Ale
Expidition Stout - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Expidition Stout Russian Imperial Stout
Hell Hath No Fury Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Hell Hath No Fury Ale Belgian Dark Strong Ale
Hopslam Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Hopslam Ale Imperial/Double India Pale Ale
Java Stout - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Java Stout American Imperial Stout
Kalamazoo Hopsoulution Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Kalamazoo Hopsoulution Ale Imperial/Double India Pale Ale
Kalamazoo Stout - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Kalamazoo Stout American Stout
Mango Oberon - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Mango Oberon American Amber/Red Ale
Oberon Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Oberon Ale American Wheat Ale
Rye Stout - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Rye Stout American Stout
Sparkling Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Sparkling Ale Belgian Tripel
Special Double Cream Stout - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Special Double Cream Stout American Stout
The Oracle DIPA Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. The Oracle DIPA Ale Imperial/Double India Pale Ale
Third Coast Old Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Third Coast Old Ale Old Ale
This One Goes To 11 Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. This One Goes To 11 Ale American Amber/Red Ale
Two Hearted Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Two Hearted Ale American India Pale Ale
Uranus (The Magician) - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Uranus (The Magician) American Black/Cascadian Dark Ale
Winter White Ale - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Winter White Ale Herb and Spice Beer
Dried Up Suds 2
  Beer Style
Bell's Batch 10000 - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Bell's Batch 10000 American Barleywine
Bell's Batch 9000 - Bell's Brewery, Inc. Bell's Batch 9000 American Strong Ale
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