Hop: Early Promise


Early Promise has an unknown breeding. It is assumed that it was from a mass selection at Wye College, England. May be useful for breeding of aroma hops but no longer grown commercially due to poor growth and yield (similar to Early Prolific in this regard).

General Information

Profile Pleasant continental aroma.
Country United Kingdom
Substitutes N/A
Purpose Aroma
Yield 180 - 830 pounds/acre
Storage Retains 63% alpha acid contents after 6 months of storage at 68°F.
Resistant Downy mildew (moderate)
Susceptible Powdery mildew


Alpha Acid 5.0 - 6.4%
Beta Acid 1.3 - 1.9%
Cohumulone 24.0 - 31.0%


Total Oil 0.4 - 0.6 ml/100g
Myrcene 41.6%
Humulene 18.4%
Caryophyllene 6.6%
Farnesene 6.2%

Additional Characteristics

Growth Rate Fair to poor
Maturity Early
Sex Female
Leaf Color Light green
Side Arm Length 6 - 20 inches


Last Updated
  • 2021-09-21 10:18:18 (Added: 2021-09-21 10:18:18)

Hops Catalog

Did you know?
  • Dwarf variety hops grow shorter in height than traditional varieties but, importantly, produce the same yield. This combination makes harvest easier.
Recently added hops
  • Storage: is based on the percentage of alpha acids remaining after 6 months at 20*F.
  • Oil composition percetages are based on the total percentage of oil in the hop. Example: 10 - 20% means that for the specific oil it is 10 - 20% of the overall oil make up.
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